Motherhood. Magic, Mayhem, Milestones. Some milestones are well known – first steps, first tooth, first sleep through the night. Then there are the milestones that we all love or hate, that never seem to be ‘celebrated’. Stuff like picking your nose for the first time, throwing your first real tantrum and becoming a threenager. I’ve adored milestone cards for many years as a way to help parents snap and document the incredible moments of joy with their children. However Seriously Milestone Cards takes these events to a new level. Recently my son Hudson turned three, and if you’ve been following along for long enough, you’ll know that some of his milestones have been the result of magical mayhem. Sleep has been an incredible huge challenge in our household, and the first night he slept through the night, I could have shouted it from the roof tops. With Seriously Milestone cards – the Toddler Edit – you can do just that. Issy Ker has developed what is simply the best set of cards to help us all laugh and cherish the times that make us all laugh. Sure, she’s got the set of baby cards as well, but when I was asked to recently test out the toddler edit, I was in love.
Here is a sample of what you can get in this fantastic, real pack!!! Seriously real moments. Seriously real milestones.
Awesome hey!! Issy is a Mum from Bendigo. Let’s hear all about this local legend, and how Seriously Milestones came to be!
1.Tell us a bit about your business, your dream, your story
Seriously Milestones was a total piss-take! My husband and I always talk about ways to make millions of dollars and not have to ‘work’ – this was one of those ideas and it just wouldn’t go away so I decided to run with it. Once I realised that it was actually going to happen, I put a lot of time and effort into making it the best product I could –ensuring the product and packing was all sourced locally and as ecofriendly as possible. Plus I wanted to donate to relevant organisations right from the start, and in less than a year I’ve raised 2K and taken on a sponsor child, which is definitely a highlight.
2. Magic: What is the most magical thing that has happened to you as a small business owner?
Having people believe in my product right from the start. My goal was to have 10 stockists signed up before I launched, which I achieved thanks to some amazing stores who could see my vision. And I say my vision because most of them were on board before I even had a physical product produced. It still blows me away.
3. Mayhem: What has been your greatest challenge, moment of mayhem?
Everyday is mayhem at my house! Honestly! I don’t have an ‘office space’ as such, well, I do, but there is no door…and with 2 crazy kids running around, it can be tough.
I’m super lucky that they are both good sleepers though and get to bed at a decent hour, and my husband works from home too so he can help me wrangle them while I do things if I really need him too.
Actual work challenges are that of most small businesses, the fact that I’d probably earn a better income from stacking shelves at Coles – but at the end of the day it’s about adjusting to the challenges so you can do what you love and what works for your family.
4. Milestone: What has been your greatest achievement, milestone?
There are SO many!
From things mentioned above like getting my first 10 stockist and raising money for charity, to being nominated for business awards and sending products overseas – I feel really lucky that the business is going so well in its first year and I’m looking forward to seeing what the future brings.
5. Pay it Forward: Who do you love? What small business are you lusting over right now?
This question is hard because I live for small businesses and the people who support them too! If I had to say just one right now, it would be @hello_zef because I just picked up a pair of Suzie’s shoes last week and they are to die for! Plus I am in awe of her ability to run this business, plus work another job, all while looking after her son – she is a legend and still totally chilled out!
So if you are after something REAL to give to yourself or a friend, then head on over to SERIOUSLY MILESTONES and grab a pack today!
The post Local Legend: Issy from Seriously Milestones appeared first on Happy Ella After.